sábado, 19 de enero de 2019

BLUE MONDAY.... (How does it feel)

Blue Monday is a name given to a day in January (typically the third Monday of the month) reported to be the most depressing day of the year.

The concept was first published as part of a 2005 media campaign from holiday company
Sky Travel which announced to have calculated the date using an equation.

The idea is considered pseudoscience.


The date generally falls on the third Monday in January, but also on the second or fourth Monday, or the Monday of the last full week of January.


The date was created to help a travel company to "analyze when people book holidays and holiday trends" and used many factors, including:

-weather conditions
-debt level (the difference between debt accumulated and our ability to pay)
-time since Christmas
-time since failing our new year’s resolutions
-low motivational levels...
-...and feeling of a need to take action. 

One equation used in 2006 was: 

Tt = travel time; D = delays; C = time spent on cultural activities; R = time spent relaxing; ZZ = time spent sleeping; St = time spent in a state of stress; P = time spent packing; Pr = time spent in preparation. 

Units of measurement are not defined.

Some experts have observed that the equations "fail even to make mathematical sense", pointing out that under the original equation, packing for ten hours and preparing for 40 will always guarantee a good holiday, and that "you can have an infinitely good weekend by staying at home and cutting your travel time to zero".

Dean Burnett, a neuroscientist who has worked in the psychology department of Cardiff University, has described the work as "farcical", with "nonsensical measurements".

The Happiest day:

Also, in a press release by Wall's ice cream, it has been calculated the happiest day of the year—in 2005, 24 June, in 2006, 23 June, in 2008, 20 June, in 2009, 19 June, and in 2010, 18 June. 

So far, this date has fallen close to MIDSUMMER
in the Northern Hemisphere (June 21 to 24).


"Blue Monday" by NEW ORDER (1983)

How does it feel
To treat me like you do
When you've laid your hands upon me
And told me who you are

I thought I was mistaken
I thought I heard your words
Tell me how do I feel
Tell me now how do I feel

Those who came before me
Lived through their vocations
From the past until completion
They will turn away no more

And I still find it so hard
To say what I need to say
But I'm quite sure that you'll tell me
Just how I should feel today

I see a ship in the harbor
I can and shall obey
But if it wasn't for your misfortunes
I'd be a heavenly person today

And I thought I was mistaken
And I thought I heard you speak
Tell me how do I feel
Tell me now how should I feel

Now I stand here waiting

I thought I told you to leave me
While I walked down to the beach
Tell me how does it feel
When your heart grows cold
(Grows cold, grows cold, grows cold) 

Songwriter(s): Gillian Gilbert / Peter Hook / Stephen Morris / Bernard Sumner

67 comentarios:

  1. I am Alvaro Sanz of 1B. My favorite day of the week are the fridays because is when I hang out with my friends and I don't study.

    1. "My favorite day of the week IS Friday". (generic)
      The days of the week are always written starting with a capital letter.

  2. My favourite day of the week is Saturday because its open Coocon Club

  3. "...because Cocoon Club is open".

    I'm sure that it's open some other days as well...

  4. Hello teacher! I'm Alberto, from 1°B.
    My favourite day of the weekend is Friday because the school has ended and I can get out with my friends.

  5. My favourite day of the weekend is Friday because at two o'clock finish the high school and I dont have to come back until Monday.

  6. Hello there! My favourite day of the weekend is Saturday because you dont need to wake up early the Sunday. And because I preffer the mornings for mostly everything so in Saturdays I can do whatever in the morning. (As well as in Sundays)

    1. "...on Sunday" or "...the next day"
      "on Saturdays / on Sundays"

  7. I am Alejandro Escudero from 4ºE My favourite day of the week is the Saturday, because is weekend, (like Sunday, but Saturday is further than Monday)

  8. Sofía Moro Fraile 4º E
    My favorite day of the week in Saturday, because there's not school so I can wake up late and hang out with my friends. Saturdays are awesome.

  9. For me my favorite day of the whole is Saturday because theres no high school to go, so you don´t need to wake up early. Also Saturday its my favorite day of the week beacuse you can plan any activity with your friends out of your home such as go to the cinema, go to see a match or go for a walk around Valladolid.

    1. "...the whole WEEK" - "there's" - "Saturday IS" - "...away from home..." - "going to the cinema" - "going to see a match" - "going for a walk"

  10. So attending to the last weekly classes is part of your Friday fun? XD

  11. I am María from 1ºB. My favourite day of the week is Saturday because I get up late and on the afternoons I have a basketball match, and I like it very much because I see my friends and we have a nice time.

  12. My favourite day of the week is Saturday because you can sleep as much as you want, play the PS4, go out with the friends, is the most relaxing day, and it´s a nice day because on Saturdays Paramount Channel emits classic and the best movies of history such as the Western of Clint Eastwood or Tarantino films

    1. "go out with Friends" - broadcasts (instead of "emits") - The Westerns

  13. Samuel Domínguez Caballero 4ºE
    my favorite day of the week is Saturday since it is a day to be able to relax either staying at home or staying with your friends

  14. Hugo Cartón 4ºE
    My favourite day of the week is Saturday because I go Scouts and I meet with my friends and also I learn new things about Scout

  15. Hello again!
    The best day of the week is Friday because at the afternoon, I meet my friends and I waste all my time doing nothing and at the morning, I'm activated and smiling because I know that the week goes to end soon.
    Jorge Rueda 1ºB.

  16. Samuel Berrocal Domínguez 4ºE
    My favorite day of the week is Saturday, because you can sleep more time and you can do whatever you want, like relaxing or staying with your friends. And also you can go to the bed late.

  17. My favourite day of the week is Saturday because I can wake up late, hang out with my friends, ride my bike and then stay awake until very late in the night watching films or doing whatever. I think that it is the day of the week that as an average I am able to do more different things within a day.

  18. Meritxell 1º ASCYT21 de enero de 2019, 23:12

    My favorite day of the week is Saturday cause there isn't class and I can do my hobbies, hookup with my friends, go late to sleep, go to the cinema... Sor far, is the only day I can disconnect to homework and exams until Sunday I realize I have to much staf to do :D

    1. "hang out with my friends" - "disconnect FROM homework" - "too much stuff to do"

  19. VICTOR SANCHEZ VALENCIA22 de enero de 2019, 0:12

    Hi again!! My week day is Saturday. No alarm early in the morning, no schedule and free time.

  20. My favourite day is Saturday, because I can wake up whenever I want and I dont have to worry about having school next day.
    Iván Cosío 1ºBACH B

  21. "don't"

    Sloth is one of the seven capital sins, be careful… XD

  22. I am Laura Borrella 4°E and my favourite day of the week is Thursday becausa I have flamenco in the afternoon and it is almost Friday!!

    1. "because".
      Thank you for the very first vote for Thursday!!!

      Thursday rules.

  23. I am Ariadna Gerez from 4E. I really doesn't have a favourite day of the week but i kinda like Sunday because i have lunch with all my new family and i eat a lot of icecream with my aunt.

  24. "I really don't have" "I have lunch & I eat" (always capital I)

  25. My favourite day is Friday, because I go my home in the village.

    By Mireya 1ºAST

  26. My favourite day is Saturday because I can wake up later and go after to bed
    Tábata Varona 1ºbach "B"

    1. "...go to bed later at night"

      Or do you like getting up and going back to bed right after that? XD

  27. Hello teacher, I'm Helena from ASCyT.
    My favorite day of the week is Sunday because I sometimes go out to eat with my friends and we have a nice time.

    Have a good weekend!!

  28. I´m Tomás from AST.
    Sice everyone says that his favorite day is Saturday, i´m going to say
    that mine is the Sunday. Because is the day more productive of the week since it's the day where you've all sent it last week.

    Tomas X

    1. "SINCE everyone says that THEIR favorite…" - "...mine is Sunday" - "...the more productive day of the week"

  29. Hi! i´m María from ASCYT
    My favourite day of the week is saturday because always I can go to sleep and get up late. Some saturdays I meet with my friends to go out in the night
    By María

  30. My favorite day of the week is Friday because I meet with my friends. They come to my house, we drink beer and whiskey with coke, to play table games or cards. We all have a good time.

  31. Hello!I´m Covadonga from ASCYT.
    My favorite day of the week is Friday because I have two days off after and I have the weekend waiting for me. what a great feeling!!

  32. Hello! I'm Noelia González from ASCYT.
    My favorite day is Saturday, because I go to my house and I see my parents and my friends.

  33. Hello! I am Fabiola Muñoz from ASCYT.
    My favorite day is Saturday because I meet with my friends and have time for everything. I like to enjoy Saturdays with my family and my friends.

  34. Hello! I'm Elena Gómez from ASCYT.
    My favourite day of the week is Tuesday because I go to my training session of indoor soccer after class.

  35. Hello teacher! I'm José Manuel Serrano from ASCYT
    My favourite day of the week is Sunday. Is Sunday because I spend so much time watching bulls and soccer on the tv

  36. My favourite day during the week is Saturday. That is because it´s the day I do whatever I most like, for example playing volleyball and going out with my friends at night

  37. Hello i'm Silvia Mata from 4°E.My favourite day of the week is Saturday, because i don't go to school and in the afternoon i go to scouts.

    1. "I'm - I don't - I go"... that "I" (=me) is always a capital I.
