martes, 26 de marzo de 2019

"Internet Acronyms & Abbreviations"

Internet Acronyms

An acronym (from Greek: -acro = sharp, pointed; -onym = name) denotes a combination of letters (usually from an abbreviation) which can be used and pronounced as a word. 

Examples: radar = radio detecting and ranging / ASAP = as soon as posible

The term initialism uses a similar method, but the word is pronounced letter by letter.

Example: BBC British Broadcasting Corporation or USA United States of America.

And last but not least, there are symbols and/or units of reference, like min for minute or kg for kilogram.

Usage & Meaning
These abbreviations are based on the pronunciation of their corresponding letter / digit.

2   ->  to / too 

  ->  for 

B   ->   be

C   -> see

I   ->   eye 

O   ->   owe

R   ->   are

U   ->   you

Y   ->   why


2F4U          Too Fast For You

4YEO FYEO          For Your Eyes Only

AAMOF          As a Matter of Fact

AFAIK          As far as I know

AFAIR          As far as I remember / recall

AFK         Away from Keyboard

AKA          Also known as

B2K BTK         Back to Keyboard

BTT         Back to Topic

BTW         By the Way

B/C          Because

C&P         Copy and Paste

CU           See you

DIY          Do it Yourself

EOBD          End of Business Day

EOD          End of Discussion

EOM          End of Message

FAQ          Frequently asked Questions

FKA           Formerly known as

FWIW          For what it's Worth

FYI / JFYI          (Just) For your Information

HF          Have fun

HTH         Hope this Helps

IDK          I don't know

IIRC          If I Recall / Remember Correctly

IMHO          In my Humble Opinion

IMO          In my Opinion

IMNSHO          In my not so Humble / Honest Opinion

IOW          In other Words

LOL          Laughing out loud

DGMW          Don't get me wrong

MMW          Mark my Words 

N/A         Not Available / Applicable

NaN         Not a Number

NNTR          No need to Reply

NOYB          None of your Business

NRN          No Reply Necessary

OMG          Oh my God

OT          Off Topic

OTOH          On the other Hand

POV          Point of View

ROTFL          Rolling on the Floor Laughing

RSVP          Repondez s'il vous plait (French: Please reply)

SCNR          Sorry, could not Resist

SFLR          Sorry, for late Reply

TBA          To be Announced

TBC          To be Continued / To be Confirmed

TIA          Thanks in Advance

TGIF          Thanks God, its Friday

THX TNX          Thanks

TQ/TY          Thank You

TYVM          Thank You Very Much

TYT          Take your Time

TTYL          Talk to you Later

WRT          With Regard to

WTH          What the Hell / What the Heck

WTF          What the F***

YMMD          You made my Day

ICYMI         In Case you missed it


An abbreviation (from Latin brevi³re → brevis meaning “short”) is a shortened form of a word or phrase used mainly in writing to represent the complete form.
It usually has a full-stop at the end.

Examples: Lib. For Library / abbr. for abbreviation / approx. for approximate

This list contains a compilation of the most common abbreviations in text messages, IMs (= Instant Message), social networks, etc, where people want (or are required) to use only a few typed characters to communicate a thought or an idea . 

2moro          Tomorrow

2nite          Tonight

AEAP          As Early as Possible

ALAP          As Late as Possible

ASAP          As Soon as Possible

ASL          Age / Sex / Location?

B3          Blah, Blah, Blah

B4YKI          Before You Know it

BFF          Best Friends, Forever

BM&Y         Between Me and You

BRB          Be right Back 

BRT          Be right There 

CTN          Cannot talk now

CUS          See You Soon

CWOT          Complete Waste of Time

CYT          See You Tomorrow

E123          Easy as 1, 2, 3

EM?          Excuse Me?

EOD          End of Day 

F2F          Face to Face

FC          Fingers Crossed

FOAF          Friend of a Friend

GR8          Great

HAK          Hugs and Kisses

IDC          I Don't Care

IDK          I Don't Know

ILU / ILY          I Love You

IMU          I Miss You

IRL          In Real Life 

J/K          Just Kidding

JC          Just Checking

JTLYK          Just to Let You Know

KFY          Kiss for You

KMN         Kill Me Now

L8R          Later

MoF          Male or Female

MTFBWY          May the Force be with You

MYOB          Mind Your Own Business 

N-A-Y-L          In a While

NAZ          Name, Address, ZIP

NC          No Comment

NM          Never Mind / Nothing Much

NP          No Problem

NTIM          Not that it Matters

NVM          Never Mind

OIC          Oh, I See

OTL          Out to Lunch

OTP          On the Phone

RN          Right Now

RU         Are You

SEP          Someone else's Problem

SITD          Still in the Dark

SLAP          Sounds like a Plan

SMIM          Send Me an Instant Message

TMI          Too Much Information

UR          Your / You are

W8          Wait

WB          Welcome Back

WYWH         Wish You Were Here

XOXOXOX          Hugs, Kisses


- Must go now CUS Pete

- Document FYI // Private file 4YEO

- Please, consult our FAQ before calling.

- HB2Y Tom Ur a GR8 M8 Xoxo

- CTN PIR I'll call U asap

- Don't share Ur POV Obey EOD Big Joe.


1 comentario:

  1. Hola Teacher, soy Carla de 1 de animación, no se donde tengo tu correo y soy incapaz de mandarte uno, y como no se como ponerme en contacto contigo, te escribo por aquí, ese es mi correo, así que puedes mandarme un mensaje y así ya tengo yo tu correo, muchas gracias, un saludo.
    PD: muy interesante el post.
