martes, 27 de febrero de 2018


English word Spanish Translation Spanish word English Translation
Actually En realidad Actualmente Currently
to Advertise Anunciar Advertir Warn/Caution
Advice Consejo Aviso Warning
Argument Discusión Argumento (film) Plot
to Assist Ayudar Asistir Go to, Attend
Billion Mil millones Billón Trillion
Cap Gorra Capa Layer
Career Carrera professional Carrera (universitaria) Degree
Carpet Alfombra Carpeta Folder
Cartoon Dibujos animados Cartón Cardboard
Casualty Víctima o herido Casualidad Coincidence
Collar Cuello (prendas de vestir) Collar Necklace
College Universidad, facultad Colegio School
Complexion Tono de piel Complejo Complex
Conductor Director de orquesta Conductor Driver
to be Constipated estar Estreñido estar Constipado to have a Cold
Contest Concurso Contestar Answer
Deception Engaño Decepción Disappointment
Dessert Postre Desierto Desert
Embarrassed Avergonzado Embarazada Pregnant
Exit Salida Éxito Success
Fabric Tela Fábrica Factory
Idiom Modismo Idioma Language
Intoxicated Ebrio Intoxicado Food poisoning
Jam Mermelada Jamón Ham
Large Grande Largo Long
Lentil Lenteja Lentilla Contact lens
Letter Carta, letra de abecedario Letra Lyrics
Library Biblioteca Librería Book shop
Mayor Alcalde Mayor Older
Notice Notar, anuncio Noticia piece of News
Office Oficina Oficio Job or trade
Pan Cazuela Pan Bread
Pie Tarta Pie Foot
Place Lugar Plaza Square
Prize Premio Precio Price
to Quit Abandonar Quitar Remove, take away
Quote Cita/presupuesto Cuota Fee
to Realize Darse cuenta Realizar to Do/Make
to Record Grabar Recordar Remember
Relative Pariente Relativo (adj) Relative
Remove Quitar Remover Stir
Rope Cuerda Ropa Clothes
Sane Cuerdo Sano Healthy
Sensible Sensato Sensible Sensitive
Soap Jabón Sopa Soup
Spade Pala Espada Sword
Stranger Desconocido Extranjero Foreigner
to Stretch Estirar Estrechar to become narrow
Suburb Barrio rico periférico ciudad Suburbio de casas pobres Slum
to Support Apoyar Soportar to Handle/ Put up with
Sympathetic Comprensivo Simpático Nice
Target Objetivo Tarjeta Card
Terrific Fenomenal Terrorífico Terrifying
to Translate Traducir Trasladarse to Move (house)
Vacuum Vacío Vacuna Vaccine

miércoles, 7 de febrero de 2018

(4) Song: "Can't stop the feeling!" by Justin Timberlake. (2018 Super Bowl hit)

Halftime shows are a tradition during American Football games at all levels of competition.

Entertainment during the Super Bowl is a fundamental link to pop culture and helps broaden the television audience and interest.

This year, Justin Timberlake was chosen for the third time to return to the big stage.

Timberlake closed the show with "Can't stop the feeling!", entering the stands at the conclusion of the song.

Here's a very easy listening comprehension activity.

You must complete while listening to the song:

Can't Stop The Feeling


Complete the song
I got this feeling inside my …………….
(It goes electric, wavy when I turn it on)
All through my city, all through my home
We're flying up, no ceiling, when we in our zone...

I got that …………………….. in my pocket
Got that good ………….. in my feet
I feel that hot blood in my body when it …………
I can't take my …………. up off it, moving so phenomenally
Room on lock, the way we rock it, so don't …………...

B.   Put the verses in the correct order – write numbers from 1 to 10.

So just imagine, just imagine, just imagine

And ain't nobody leaving soon, so keep dancing

Nothing I can see but you when you dance, dance, dance

When we move, well, you already know

Feeling good, good, creeping up on you

But you dance, dance, dance

Under the lights when everything goes

Nowhere to hide when I'm getting you close

All those things I should do to you

So just dance, dance, dance, come on

C.   Put the words in the correct order
feeling / the / I / stop / can't     ……………………………………………………….
dance / just / dance,/ dance, / so  …………………………………………………...
feeling /I /can't / stop / the ……………………………………………………………
dance/ the/ just / so/ dance / dance /come on /

D.   Circle the word you hear
Ooh, it's something incredible / magical / capital / classical
It's in the air, it's in my blood, it's pushing / rushing / crushing / crashing on
I don't need no reason / treason / season , don't need control
I fly so try / high / cry / shy  , no ceiling, when I'm in my zone




I can't stop the, I can't stop the
I can't stop the, I can't stop the
I can't stop the feeling...

Nothing I can see but ………. when you …………………, ………………., ……………….

E.    Put the verses in the correct order – write numbers from 1 to 8.

All those things I should do to you

Feeling good, good, creeping up on you

So just dance, dance, dance, come on

(I can't stop the feeling...)

But you dance, dance, dance

(I can't stop the feeling)

And ain't nobody leaving soon, so keep dancing

(I can't stop the feeling...)

(Everybody sing)
I can't stop the feeling
Got this feeling in my body
(I can't stop the feeling)
Got this feeling in my body
(I can't stop the feeling)
Wanna see you move your body
(I can't stop the feeling)
Got this feeling in my body
Break it down
Got this feeling in my body
Can't stop the feeling...

(Got this feeling in my body, come on...)

P.D: Are there any songs that you want to use in the classroom?
Any suggestions?

(3) "Super Bowl LII"

"Super Bowl LII" was the championship game of the 2017 season of the National Football League (NFL), the 52nd Super Bowl overall.
Philadelphia Eagles
defeated the defending Super Bowl champion New England Patriots, 41–33, to win their first Super Bowl.
Eagles quarterback
Nick Foles was named Super Bowl MVP.

The game was held on February 4, 2018, at U.S. Bank Stadium in Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States.
It was the second Super Bowl in Minneapolis, and the sixth Super Bowl in a cold-weather city.

Super Bowl 2018: Fun facts you might not know

- 1.35 billion chicken wings, 10 million pounds of ribs, and over 14,500 tons of chips will be eaten on Super Bowl Sunday. 

- Pizza orders increase by 350 percent compared to a normal Sunday. 

- Over 51.7 million cases of beer are sold on Super Bowl Sunday.

- 8 million pounds of guacamole is consumed on Super Bowl Sunday

- Of the top 10 most watched American television programs of all time, nine of them are Super Bowls

- Over 700,000 footballs are produced annually for official NFL use and 72 of them are used for the Super Bowl

- It is the 2nd most watched sporting event in the world. More than 100 million people worldwide watch the Super Bowl every year.
In fact, Super Bowl XLIV in 2010 was the most watched show in television history with over 106.5 million watchers.

- In 2017 a 30-second commercial cost between $5 million and $5.5 million.

- 1 in 10 workers in the U.S. will miss work the day after the Super Bowl.

Impressive, isn't it?

But please tell me something: what do you think about Football, Super Bowl and all that stuff?

Express your opinion using two adjectives... just two 😊😊


Una mansión junto a un lago suizo en verano, un selecto grupo con algunos de los mejores autores de su generación, un temporal que les retuvo durante tres días entre aquellos muros... y una apuesta.

La suma de esos factores propiciaron un portentoso resultado: "Frankenstein" se convirtió en una inmortal obra literaria y la apuesta fue ganada por una "menor de edad" con la que a priori nadie contaba, superando en ingenio a rivales tan consagrados.

Mientras escribo estas líneas, fuera de mi casa está nevando, no puedo salir sin riesgo de congelarme o resbalar calle abajo... así que decido arremangarme, inaugurar este blog de propósito didáctico y plantear una apuesta a todo aquel alumno que lo lea: 

"atrévete a participar compartiendo tu ingenio, todas las aportaciones ayudarán a crear nuestro propio monstruo de Frankenstein... tarde o temprano cobrará vida".

P.D: Outside this Villa, the weather is always miserable. We are locked inside so... let's make the best out of it!

martes, 6 de febrero de 2018

(1) INTRODUCTION: "Villa Diodati"

The Villa Diodati is a mansion in the village of Cologny near LAKE GENEVA in Switzerland, notable because Lord Byron rented it and stayed there with his personal doctor John Polidori in the summer of 1816.

Mary Shelley and Percy Bysshe Shelley, who had rented a house nearby, were frequent visitors.
The group was also joined by Mary's stepsister, Claire Clairmont, with whom Byron had had a love affair in London.

Because of POOR WEATHER, in June 1816 the group famously spent three days together inside the house reading horror stories.
We will each write a ghost story”, Byron suggested imperatively.

Thus began a competition to see who could come up with the scariest tale. The rest of their holiday seemed dedicated to this endeavour.

Two of those stories became milestones of the Gothic horror genre: "Frankenstein, or The Modern Prometheus" by Mary Shelley and "The Vampyre", the first modern vampire story, by Polidori.

Thanks to poor weather, it turned out to be a night to remember...